Re: HP-UX Explotation/Repair/Info scripts

Patrick Horgan (
Thu, 4 May 1995 22:27:16 +0800

>Try formatting for something around 80 columns. 

Even better, if you think someone is going to quote you keep it to 65
or 70 columns so quoting doesn't push you over the edge:)

  /  These opinions are mine, and not Amdahl's (except by coincidence;).  \
 |                                                       (\                |
 |  Patrick J. Horgan         Amdahl Corporation          \\    Have       |
 |        1250 East Arques Avenue      \\  _ Sword     | 
 |  Phone : (408)992-2779     P.O. Box 3470 M/S 316         \\/    Will    | 
 |  FAX   : (408)773-0833     Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3470     _/\\     Travel | 